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California Master Catechist Certification Guidelines

What is the California Master Catechist Certification?

The California Master Catechist Certificate is an advanced-level catechetical certification. The formation and certification standards are 7784 by the California Catholic Conference and periodically revised. Each Diocese in California is responsible for issuing and renewing the California Catechist Certification. Because the standards for certification are by the Bishops’ Conference, certifications granted in one diocese may be recognized by another if the catechist moves to another diocese in the state.


Who should seek certification?

Catechetical leaders in parish settings (for all age groups) or those discerning a leadership position; Catholic school administrators; Catholic school teachers in Catholic elementary and middle schools; and Theology/Religion teachers in Catholic high schools.


What are the formation requirements? Certification

The Diocese of San Bernardino requires the following coursework in order to meet the formation standards for the California Master Catechist Certification:

  • Completion of the ministerial leadership track in the diocesan Continuing Ministry Formation Program or the equivalent coursework from an accredited university.

  • Completion of the following five courses offered by the Virtual Learning Community of Faith Formation (VLCFF) at the University of Dayton, earning a minimum score of “Good” (6-8) in each: Sacraments; Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists; Faith and Human Development; Introduction to Practical Morality; Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan.

  • Discernment of Charisms through St. Catherine of Sienna Institute


What are the next steps after completing the formation coursework?

After having completed the required formation coursework, those seeking the California Master Catechist Certification should request and complete the required application form from the Ministry Formation Institute. Once the application is received, a time will be scheduled to observe the applicant leading catechetical classes/experiences. In addition, an interview with a diocesan team will be scheduled.




Certification and Renewal Guidelines

Phone: (909) 475-5375 


Office Hours: Monday - Friday

                        8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Address: 1201 E. Highland Ave 

                 San Bernardino, CA 92404

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